Tag Archives: Tax Planning


Kitchen Table Conversations (Part 1): Key Financial Topics Every Family Should Consider (Ep. 25)

With the end of 2022 fast approaching, several financial issues are top of mind for many families, such as high inflation and year-end tax planning.

In this episode, Kevin Kaylakie and Connee Sullivan join in a kitchen table conversation to address the financial topics that matter most to families. They also share best practices to consider in light of current market conditions and in general.

Kevin and Connee discuss:

  • ”00:49” Using asset allocation to hedge against the risk of inflation
  • ”03:08” How donor-advised funds lead to tax-efficient philanthropy
  • ”08:14” The importance of “ document e-Vaulting” in family affairs
  • ”14:44” Key cybersecurity measures to ensure protection of financial records
  • And more

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Donor-Advised Funds: Doing More Good With Less Money With Brandon O’Neill (Ep. 13)

With every dollar you save in taxes, you have the opportunity to spend more on the betterment of your community.

Are you ready to get the biggest charitable bang for your buck?

In this episode, Kevin Kaylakie speaks with Brandon O’Neill, CFP®, CAP®, a charitable planning consultant for Fidelity Charitable. They unpack strategies to help you amplify your charitable impact through donor-advised funds (DAFs). Brandon also shares ways in which Fidelity Charitable® helps donors make tax-efficient contributions to their favorite charities.

Brandon discusses: 

  • ”03:57” The benefits of DAFs over private foundations and Charitable LLCs
  • ”07:02” How to know if DAFs are ideal for you
  • ”10:40” Reasons to donate appreciated assets (including cryptocurrency!) instead of cash
  • ”17:03” Unique gift planning ideas to improve tax deductibility
  • ”20:49” Potential limitations of donor-advised funds
  • And more


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About Our Guest:

Brandon O’Neill, is a Charitable Planning Consultant for Fidelity Charitable, an independent public charity that has helped donors support more than 328,000 nonprofit organizations with nearly $51 billion in grants since its inception in 1991. In this role, Brandon serves as a premier resource for charitable planning in the South Central Region of the United States. Where it is his responsibility to build relationships with financial advisors, to discuss ways to incorporate charitable giving into clients’ overall financial and wealth management plans. Brandon has held the Certified Financial Planner designation since 2011 and is also a Charter Advisor in Philanthropy holder.


The Golden Period of Estate Planning With Doug Paul (Ep. 9)

The labyrinth of estate planning involves navigating goals, assets, taxes, investments, and the future. Flexibility is key.

In this episode, Kevin Kaylakie is joined by Doug Paul of McGinnis Lochridge law firm. Doug shares several tax planning tools you can apply to your estate plan. He also explains why he believes this is the golden period of estate planning and how potential changes from Congress will impact the future of estate planning.

Doug discusses: 

  • ”02:52” The most common questions he hears about estate planning
  • ”06:47” Simple tax planning tools and techniques such as donor advised funds and qualified charitable distributions (QCD)
  • ”14:15” More complex tax planning tools like Roth IRA conversions
  • ”20:35” What it means when people are getting assets out of their estate
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Family Limited Partnerships or LLCs
  • And more

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About Our Guest:

Doug focuses his practice on estate planning through the use of trusts, family business entities, and life insurance. His experience includes charitable planning, asset protection planning, and planning to mitigate transfer tax and income tax. He is an expert in charitable planning, asset protection planning, and planning for mitigation of transfer tax and income tax.

Doug is a frequent speaker at various estate planning organizations and associations including: Austin Financial Planners Association, Texas Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Victoria Estate Planning Council, and the National Business Institute-CPA/CLE, Austin Chapter of CPAs.